I choose Animas High School for many reasons. For starters, I attended Mountain Middle School which is a project based school also, so the transition between schools was easier on me because I am already used to the learning style. Another big reason for my choice of joining the Animas community is that I have many friends in not only my grade but also some that are juniors, one of them being my sister. Having a great group of friends that are older than me bring up the positive experience of the community and the acceptance of Animas. They are great to have around just in general but they are also great sources to have when I need help with projects because since they already did them they can give me supportive helpful feedback on things that could positively help me through the project and also things that could have a negative influence on me and/or my project. Another thing that adds to the experience of being an Animas High School Osprey is how close the student/teacher relationships are. I am really good friends with teachers I haven't even had yet because of all the times we have stopped in the hallway and asked how each other was doing in school and in life in general. I feel like having the teachers not only teaching you but being one of your friends is a huge aspect of why I choose Animas as the High School that I wanted to go to and be apart of.