During this section working with others was definitely a key component to my success. I love just being with my friends, but also we are able to share ideas which has really improved my work because I can get some ideas, but also I can get some feedback and things to refine. Presenting to the class is not my favorite thing, but if you do it really pushes your comfort zone, and also it really tests you to see if you know your stuff and if you really understand it. When writing and describing things, it really helps me because it keeps me thinking about what I’m doing any other possible solutions or even reviewing if my answers are correct. Thinking through things are a big component to understand what you are doing. Having to think about something leaves room to refine it when you write it down. Something I definitely need to work on is managing my time more wisely, not specifically in class but at home with my POW’s. So far every POW that I’ve had I’ve left it to a couple of nights before it was due leaving little to no time to go back and refine. I need to start spacing out my time more wisely so I don’t stress myself as much overall this has been a fun unit.
Insuring a Healthy Population Unit
Personal Growth for Insuring a Healthy Population:
The unit question, what is a fair price to charge for health insurance?, is basically asking what fair and what’s not. My solution for this question was to have everybody’s health care cost be based on their income, which is one of the only fair solutions that I could think of. I think that it would help everybody if we didn't all pay the same amount of money, because it could be difficult for the people that dont have much money and the people that do, they could be paying a little more to help contribute to other’s medical emergencies. Something that I think is unfair is, say the cost is $21,000/per year, adn someone only makes $35,000, that only leaves $14,000 for the rest of their expenses, food, school, etc. One major question I still have is, if a certain amount of people can come up with the solution of making is based on income, why hasn’t the companies changed it so that they are able to make it fair but also make sure that they get paid to break even? I have recognized that I have many strengths as well as weaknesses when it comes to group work. I feel like one major thing I do when it comes to group work (specifically in math), I tend to take over. I do the work and then sometimes I give others answers instead of helping them through solving it so they can see how to do it. Which if I was wrong in a situation like that, that may have a negative effect on that other person because they were getting taught incorrect stuff. One strength I have is, I feel like I have a good friendship with most everybody in my class, so I am able to talk to others and we can all work through a problem or we could come up with ideas, etc. One thing I struggle with in general is, making simple problems complicated. This leads to me doing more work then I need, and also sometimes leading to incorrect solutions/answers. Something I feel like I could get better at is, stepping back and letting others take the leader position so I can see others ideas.